Tag: askia

New Knowledge Base articles!

New Knowledge Base articles header

We’ve been adding a host of new articles and survey resources to our Help Centre; here are some of the most noteworthy of them: Quota Monitoring for Analyse & Vista This article shows the use of the Read quota function in a Closed by scripts created variable. We combine this function with table arithmetic scripts to create a portfolio that will allow you to monitor the progress of your quotas as new data is collected. The examples are shown in Analyse and Vista 6. This simple yet complete…

Askia reporting back from Printemps des Etudes 2016

Askia at Printemps des Études 2016 header image

The Askia team just returned from Printemps des Etudes 2016, which was held this year again at prestigious Palais Brongniart in Paris on 15th and 16th April. Askia was on stand #5 – very fitting for the 5th edition of this event which has asserted itself as the definitive market research show in France. We’re happy to report that this 5th edition was very successful, with perhaps the best traffic of the whole 5 years on Thursday. To mark this milestone, the organisers had invited Martin Sorrell who…

Askiaface for iOS 3.1.1 released!

Askiaface for iOS 3.1.1 released header image

We are pleased to announce that we have just released an update to askiaface for iOS: version 3.1.1. This update includes the following improvements and fixes: Updated Base SDK to iOS 9.3 Added Remove survey feature Integrated UI for remove survey feature Added specific warning when deleting a survey with / without interviews Fix when resuming interview on a preliminary selection loops Fix on response blocks that contain MS Word’s `…` special character Delete survey The main feature, Delete survey, allows you to remove an available survey from…

Askia’s mission, vision & values

Askia's mission, vision and values header image

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Askia; a time to celebrate, but also to reflect on the corporate equivalent of existential questions: our mission, vision and core values. These 3 business concepts can seem abstract at first, yet they are essential. Imagine a football team whose players don’t know the rules of the game and how to play it or an architect without a vision of what the building will be used by and for which purpose. We all need aspiration and destination in life. Businesses are…

Verve adopts Platform One

Verve adopts Platform One header

Community Panels specialists, Verve, founded in 2008 and with offices in London, Leeds, Chicago and Toronto, conducts full-service market research whether it be online, offline, qual, quant or mobile. By utilizing the power of their clients’ Community Panel assets, Verve provides online spaces where dialogue with customers can take place. This could be small Community Panels of say 50-100 panelists, permanent spaces of 100,000 or more, and everything in between. Verve’s Technology Director Amyas Peto told us that Askia’s advances into panel management systems with Platform One, the…

Playing with D3js and AskiaVista

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As you may already know, we added support for the Highcharts visualisation library as of version 6.0 of askiavista; and while it provides all the necessary visualisation needs for our online data analysis application, we had designed askiavista’s API to be agnostic when it comes to charting libraries. From our initial use of Nevron & Dundas Charts in version 5 to our use of Google Charts in one our initial demos of askiavista’s AJAX capabilities, we have always wanted to provide our users with the flexibility to chose their preferred charting library.…

Askia party at the Quirks Event!

Askia party at Quirks Event header image

Askia will be attending the Quirks Event on February 23rd and 24th at the Marriott Brooklyn Bridge in New York. We’ll be at booth #12 with members of our New York, Los Angeles, Paris & London teams! As usual, we’ll be showcasing our portfolio of survey authoring, data collection and analysis apps and we’ll be looking forward to meeting you there. But we can’t take part in this great event without a party so we’ve decided on hosting our own! Here are the details: When? Monday, February 22nd from 7:00…

Askia – Christmas cards for surveys

Askia christmas card overview

Rather than sending out cliché christmas cards, for the last 8 years we’ve had the pleasure of crafting… well, different cards. These are generally the result of too much alcohol, very long meetings as well as the fact that Jérôme & Patrick like cross-dressing! Each year, our founding members therefore alternate for their our pleasure. Below are all seven beauties in chronological order: 2008 This first christmas card was designed in the midst of the 2008 credit crisis and featured Patrick as a half-naked Santa Claus: 2009 This second christmas card was sent out…

Knowledge base updates

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Below a quick introduction to the latest articles added to our Knowledge base by our tech support team. Significance Testing for Overlapping & Independent Samples This article gives more information on the situations in which overlapping samples can be sig tested in askiaanalyse. This KB article explains the correct tests to use when testing for significance in independent or overlapping samples. If you are sig testing columns and it’s the case that a respondent belongs to more than one column (e.g. in a multi-coded question or loop summary table) then the…

Askiaface for iOS updated to version 3.0.12

Askiaface for iOS updated to version 3.0.12 header image

An update to askiaface for iOS is now available on the App Store. This minor update provides the following changes: Fixes an issue with certain ADCs displaying incorrect characters when non-latin languages were used Fixes an issue with resources not displayed in certain conditions (seems like we’ve finally got that one, sorry about it!) Full for support version 5.3.5 scripts and keywords We’ve also added some goodies in preparation for the next update; among which: resource uploads to Amazon Web Services and support for Askiaface Description, so stay tuned for…