Product design

Askia User Survey results 2022

The latest Askia User Survey was mailed out in April 2022. Once again, we received a lot of amazing feedback and we are humbled by your honesty, whether you were a new user, an expert, a satisfied customer or a user that had a few suggestions as to how we can improve (and of course there is always room for improvement). Your feedback has been reviewed constructively and will be used to help shape our products and services into the future. If you took part in the survey,…

DIY Research, Made To Last

The global pandemic has further accelerated the digitalization of market research, making its democratization a reality. Driven by new technologies and new consumer approaches, research strategies have fundamentally evolved. Today, market research in Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mode is more and more popular for strategic decision-making. This transformation is beneficial for all market players, beyond the obvious budget and time savings. Do-It-Yourself has become a leading research tool and for Askia this has been a great opportunity: our clients can build their platforms around our core technologies and utilize the…

Askia UX survey results: some insights about our users

Askia UX survey results

We couldn’t begin this new blogpost without thanking all the participants who have kindly taken part in the last Askia UX survey! We’d like to share some interesting (and some surprising) insights concerning different user profiles and behaviours. In our previous article, we spoke about our decision to begin a user segmentation project. Our survey allowed us to enrich our knowledge about our users and discover usage patterns in our products. By focusing on the tasks that users tended to perform with our solutions, we have been able…

Let’s speak about how you use Askia

Let's speak about how you use Askia

Take part in our user segmentation survey so that we can better understand how you use Askia software. Are you a recurring or a one-time user? Do you have specific use cases or are you a true Swiss army knife when it comes to our apps?  The Askia product team is curious and needs you to answer a short survey (approximately 7 minutes) in order to improve user knowledge, in order to build products that better fit your needs! A few words about the process Over the past…