Get to know . . . Michael Brennan

What I do . . . I’m one of the Support Engineers at Askia. I assist our clients with a variety of technical topics, including (but not limited to) survey script writing, survey design, fielding setup, software installations, data exports, data analysis, etc. I also assist Askia and our clients with technical training, database management, and server maintenance. I wear many hats. đŸŽ© My proudest work achievement . . . Due to a combination of luck, brute force, and experience, I’ve solved several “needle in a haystack” installation…

BISON Recording Management Tool

Those clever people at MyForce have launched a new version of their BISON Recording Management Tool. We think that many Askia call centre managers and supervisors will be thrilled to find out that managing quality control can be made so much easier. A great deal of effort has been made to develop a time-saving tool that is both user-friendly and powerful. CATI Supervisor Software Call Centre managers already using the CTArchitect dialler alongside the Askia CATI solution will know about the increases in their call centre’s efficiency when…

Get to know . . . Ramona Stratton

What I do . . . Most of my career I have done HR and employee relations, but these past few years my focus has been more on key account management and office administration.  This has not been a career change, but I must admit that I am enjoying it very much! My proudest work achievement . . . To continue to have an amazing working relationship with my team and our US-based clients – it’s been almost eight years now.   If I wasn’t working for Askia, I…

Get to know . . . Jordan Grindle

What I do . . . Technical Support Specialist (AKA Professional Ticket Wrangler). My proudest work achievement . . . Single-handedly tackling a very challenging, multi-month consulting project. If I wasn’t working for Askia, I would be . . . Proselytizing the merits of Cthulhu (from the acclaimed H.P. Lovecraft short story ‘Call of Cthulhu’), making a passable politician. The best advice I ever received was . . . Use two thin coats to paint your Warhammer minis, instead of one thick coat. If I could time travel…

What’s up on Maxdiff ?

Maxdiff (short for Maximum Difference Scaling) is a methodology used to understand the relative importance or appeal amongst a list of features/statements. The technique is also known as “best-worst scaling”. Based on the choice modelling technique developed by Jordan Louviere and popularised by Steven H.Cohen, the method provides preference/importance scores for brands, images, product features, advertising claims, services, etc.). Respondents are asked to compare sets of a few features, attributes or statements, and select which of these are the most and the least appealing/important to them. The technique…

New AskiaFace updates for Android and iOS versions

We are delighted to announce that the latest updates of AskiaFace for iOS and Android will be released imminently. These updates include the following improvements and fixes: For iOS version 3.4.2 (available only from iOS 14+): Core engine upgrade to version 5.5.3 Added support for the latest (v4) Askia Design Pages (ADPs) and Askia Design Controls (ADCs) Created a new user interface that includes a dark mode Various bugs fixes and refactoring: Interview.AgentName doesn’t retrieve any value in AskiaFace for iOS v3.4.1 (AS-41) Additional CSS field not interpreted…

The A to Z of Askia

At Askia, we provide professional and technical solutions to the market research industry and occasionally we use concepts and terms that are somewhat unique to our industry and / or to the Askia world. So, if you want to know the difference between an ADC and an ADP; or you want to know what an interactive variable does; or what a sub-population is (it’s a filter, by the way) – then head to the Askia Glossary. Try it out for yourself – The Askia Glossary We will be…

Open-ended questions – a guide

The Askia blog is called Open Ends and this name couldn’t be more pertinent for our latest blog article, which is all about the open-ended question. Here we summarise much of the knowledge that we have picked up from a couple of decades of providing survey software and working with insight professionals and their open-ended questions. When to use them; how to optimise them; and how to analyse the unstructured data that is collected. For many of our seasoned users this article will likely be seen as “teaching…

Printemps des Ă©tudes ’22

Askia invites you to Printemps des Ă©tudes ’22, at the Palais des CongrĂšs in Paris on 29-30 September. We will kick off the autumn with the latest Printemps des Ă©tudes event and we would like to invite everyone to visit the show, meet the Askia team and discover all that Askia has been working on since the last edition of the event. Discover Rapide Anastassia, Catherine, Christine, JĂ©rĂŽme, Maarten, Patrick, Stephen will share a fresh experience with our new Rapide platform. Creating surveys, whether simple, complex or automated,…