What I do . . .
Most of my career I have done HR and employee relations, but these past few years my focus has been more on key account management and office administration. This has not been a career change, but I must admit that I am enjoying it very much!
My proudest work achievement . . .
To continue to have an amazing working relationship with my team and our US-based clients – it’s been almost eight years now.
If I wasn’t working for Askia, I would be . . .
Volunteering in Africa or the Caribbean.
The best advice I ever received was . . .
Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
If I could time travel 10 years in the past or future, I would tell myself . . .
If I could travel back 10 years then I would probably try to learn French, as I think it is such a beautiful language.
As for 10 years in the future, I would tell myself to keep enjoying life to the fullest and don’t mind the little things.
My most interesting fact/stat
My childhood dream was to become famous. I studied modelling as a teenager and my father wanted me to become a news anchor. But I have come to realise that I don’t actually like too much attention and direct focus on me.
The soundtrack to my life is . . .
Save the last dance for me by The Drifters.
The three things I would take to a desert island are . . .
My favourite book
Mr. Stratton
My favourite book/movie . . .
Book: The Bible
Movie: The Princess Bride
My superpower would be . . .
To fly above the white, beautiful clouds.

My party trick . . .
Dancing. The sound of music is wasted if it is not danced to, so you should always dance to the music, even if it’s only in your heart.