
Titanic Analysis!

The word titanic means ‘of exceptional strength, size, or power’ and we’d like you to keep this in mind when reading this latest blog showcasing AskiaAnalyse’s ability to link with R or Python, producing amazing analyses we could never run before in the Askia world! Background The dataset we will explore contains information about a sample of 889 passengers aboard the ill-fated Titanic, which was a British passenger liner operated by the White Star Line that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in the early morning hours of…

The numbers just don’t add up…

The debrief is going well, the change in direction the end client needs to take is understood, the meeting is coming to a conclusion. Then the quiet one in the room asks you to go back to slide 26 – it’s the slide with one of the key tabulations with the important figures highlighted in green. The bomb is dropped, “The numbers don’t add up”. The numbers in the cells don’t add up. Everyone counts them. She is right. The researchers look at each other. They count again.…

Analyse 5.5.2 – Jewels in the Crown (pt 2)

Analyse 5.5.2 – Jewels in the Crown (pt 2)

This is part 2 of a series of articles on automating tasks in Analyse. According to the new Askia tagline, you can now automate insights. The claim is bold and possibly premature. But for years now, we have been thinking of ways we could decrease the lapse between questionnaire design and the analysis. Of course producing insights is hard on a new topic but it shouldn’t be that difficult on a more targeted environment. If your survey is generic enough (say an ad test or package testing), you…

Analyse 5.5.2 – Jewels in the Crown (pt 1)

Analyse Extensions R Packages

As technology has evolved, data science techniques have become more mainstream and this, in turn, has contributed to the increased value of data in industries like yours and mine. Some say it’s the new oil! Whilst pitching their oil rigs in a sea of numbers, companies need to seek out the modern-day alchemists who can turn the regular data we all know into this black gold enthusiastically allegorised by economists and business leaders alike. Well, you don’t need to be Paulo Coelho to know which field you will…

Pragmatic machine learning – from Analyse to iOS

Machine learning is coming

I joined Askia in January as a techie and some might say that writing a data science post when surrounded by a bunch of confirmed data science nerds is stupid. I would say it’s suicidal. So to make everyone comfortable I’d like to add that this is not a data science article but a pragmatic approach of how anyone could use data from our analyse software to create some pretty cool predictive models. I am going to walk through a very basic example of how we used data…

Pirates’ favourite language? ARRRRR!

Pirates' favourite language?

The first time I heard about modelling and advanced statistics was when I read Isaac Asimov’s Foundation. The second time – a good 10 years later – was when I was taught about Factor Analysis by Herve de Milleville at university, and then later met Jean-Paul Benzecri, Ludovic Lebart and André Salem. My thought then was that Hari Seldon’s dream had come true. Unfortunately years of practice have put a damper on my hopes – post rationalisation made me blame Chaos Theory and as the famous adage goes:…

Iris now supports Askia data and goes PAYG!

Iris now supports Askia data

Dashboard design platform Iris will support a new integrated Askia data source. The development teams at Askia and E-Tabs have put their collective heads together and are about to release the new external data source. The final pieces of work should be complete at the end of the next development sprint, so the release is imminent. Utilising the AskiaVista REST API, Iris users will be able to pull in variables from an Askiavista portfolio directly, alongside other sources of data into their dashboards. Richard Collins, Chief Customer Officer…

What’s new in Analyse 5.4?

What's new in Analyse 5.4?

We have released several 5.4 updates to askiaanalyse over the past few months and these versions are jam-packed with new features; most of which were added thanks client suggestions. Below is a breakdown of the most notable new features and functionality of the newest data analysis from Askia: Find option in portfolio & tab definition There are a number of options to search for text in the questionnaire tree but no so many for the same in your portfolios and tab definitions. We have added a Find function…


AskiaVista header image

As the askiavista user base keeps growing, vista Administrators have asked if we could provide broader and more flexible usage statistics. Well, as we start this new year, we’re delivering a brand new Activity monitoring with vastly improved monitoring capabilities. Available by default to askiavista Administrators, it will enable them to monitor: surveys, users, groups, companies, servers, errors, as well as the different actions and types of analyses that their end-users are running on the platform. Furthermore, for those who are administering multi-server askiavista instances, the ability to…

AskiaAnalyse: team me up, Scotty!

Askia Analyse team me up Scotty header

The software in the Askia range have been designed to work alongside each other.  If you know how your survey tree looks in Design, you will not be surprised by how it looks in Analyse. That’s the whole point of an integrated suite. Analyse has mainly been designed to work with a single user, creating their weightings, calculated variables and filters in their QES file. When we realised that a lot of our users were working on continuous surveys, we introduced Surf files: the analysis definitions were stored…