Askiaface for iOS jam-packed with new features By Paul Nevin Askiafield 23rd October 2020 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter The latest update of Askiaface for iOS, version 3.4.0, has been released on the App Store! While this major upgrade contains many small improvements and fixes, it’s main new feature is the added support for Askia Design Pages (ADP) and Askia Design Controls (ADC). This has been task long in the making to say the least! But you can now make use of the large library of layouts, themes and bespoke survey controls to improve the experience of interviewers and respondents alike. 3 mobile-first responsive ADPs and over…
Askia Design Control Gallery By Richard Collins Askiadesign 28th May 2020 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter As most of you know, our Christine is an enormously talented individual. Probably the number one person to go to at Askia when you want to know anything about Askia. She is also very helpful and one example of this is that, without any request to do so, she has created a really nice, new gallery of all the Askia Design Controls (ADCs). So now you can browse through all 47 ADCs and run examples to see if they can be a useful & neat way to make…
Askia extends its 2020 Spring Webinar Series By Richard Collins Business 9th April 2020 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter These are unprecedented & challenging times. However one positive trend that does seem to be coming through is that there is currently a thirst for online learning. Our last two webinars were the most well attended that we have ever run and so we decided to organise two more. The first one was quite a technical session, all about the use of Askia Design Controls & Askia Design Pages (ADCs & ADPs) encompassing our ADX Studio – a unique place to create your own custom question controls and…
Vertical Grids/Tables in Askia By Richard Collins Askiadesign 6th December 2018 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter People often ask why Askia is a better platform for online surveys than many of the free or very cheap packages out there in the market. The above question shows this nicely in my view. We want to make answering survey questions as easy as possible for the respondents, so here we have compressed a lot of questions into a single, mobile responsive screen, rather than 5 or 6 screens. In this example we have combined many different question types in a table or grid (drop downs, single…
MaxDiff grows! By Seyf Altindal Askiadesign 6th November 2017 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter This article provides an in-depth explanation of AskiaDesign‘s built-in capacity to manage MaxDiff data collection & analysis methodologies. For those of you who, like me, need a short reminder of what MaxDiff is; this is the definition provided by Wikipedia: The MaxDiff is a long-established academic mathematical theory with very specific assumptions about how people make choices: it assumes that respondents evaluate all possible pairs of items within the displayed set and choose the pair that reflects the maximum difference in preference or importance. It may be thought of as…
More engaging surveys with ADX Studio By Jérôme Duparc Lab 23rd May 2017 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter ADXStudio is an open-source Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for people who want to create Askia Design Controls or Askia Design Pages easier and faster. This application supports AskiaScript / JavaScript / HTML / CSS and more. We designed this application in order to provide a dedicated tool for survey authors who want to take their surveys one step further: interactive survey controls (Geo Maps, touch-friendly drag and drop, …) or custom layout (mobile first survey design). It therefore allows you to easily set the parameters for your survey controls or layouts, use script…
Latest resources for our users By Paul Nevin Knowledge base 5th September 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter Even though we’ve been on holidays, some of our dedicated support staff have been working hard to provide you with some great resources for your upcoming surveys: help articles, new survey controls and more! Here’s an overview of all the new goodies you’ll be able to find on our help centre: Universe settings This short article covers all the basics on Universes, an often misunderstood feature of askiaanalyse. It’s indeed often ambiguously connected to another Filters / Sub-populations. The article in detail how Universes do not change the counts but change the percentages…
Our latest survey controls By Paul Nevin Askiadesign 23rd June 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter In order to allow our users to further engage with their respondents, we have been relentlessly adding new survey controls to our software offering. These controls, also known as ADCs (Askia Design Controls) are freely accessible to all Askia users and allow extended customisation so they fit your needs. Below, a selection of our latest survey controls: Responsive Table The Responsive Table ADC allows you to embed grid (matrix) questions in your survey without having to worry about mobile and tablet respondents. The table will expand / collapse depending…
Presenting ADXStudio By Jérôme Duparc Askiadesign 26th February 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter ADXStudio is here!! What is it? ADXStudio is an IDE for people who want to create Askia Design Control (and later Askia Design Page) easier and faster. This application can support AskiaScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, … and more. ADXStudio was built with Electron, this application is based on NodeJS. Furthermore, we have included CodeMirror (already used in Design and Vista) to get a complete text editor with syntax highlighting and autocompletion. Installation To install ADXStudio, follow the procedure available here. ADXStudio is available on Github and everyone who wants to contribute can…
Askia Design Controls now available on Github By Paul Nevin Askiadesign 18th May 2015 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter We’re thrilled to announce that all our Askia Design Controls 2.0 (ADC) have been made available on Github for all developer users who wish to take part creating these survey controls. ADCs are web-based (HTML, JavaScript & CSS) rich survey controls that enhance the experience of your respondents. Available for web, tablet and mobile surveys, ADCs replace the default radio buttons, checkboxes, text inputs, … by more interactive, playful and animated survey controls. Below, some examples of Askia Design Controls: Drag and drop (click the above image to check out the live demo)…