New from the vault By Paul Nevin Knowledge base 21st November 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter If like us, you’ve been busy spending your time working (building surveys, helping clients, upgrading software, reading logs, …), you may not have had a chance to keep up with the latest tips & tricks from our Help Centre. Feel free to have a flick through our latest picks: Design & Analyse FAQs Your first steps with Askia’s range of software are now even smoother! The askiadesign & askiaanalyse FAQs will help cover your needs when start building your first questionnaire or analysing your first survey results. Access the Design FAQ and/or…
Big Data with just one digit By Jérôme Sopoçko Lab 11th October 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter I know some of you think I only attend conferences for the free food, the drinks and the social scene. They are right – no point in me denying. But in-between parties, I tend to heal my hang-overs in the semi-darkness of conferences. Coming back from the ASC and ESOMAR, there are a few new tendencies in the Autumn/Winter MRX fashion. Forgotten MROC, gamification, mobile research, Big Data – that’s so last year… it’s main stream, dude. These days the cool kids talk about Automation, Data fusion, Artificial Intelligence……
Askia is changing: new digital identity By Paul Nevin Business 7th October 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter As initiated a couple of months ago in our “Askia’s mission, vision & values” blog post in which we mention the elements we have been processing over the past year (Askia’s 20th birthday!): our team has gathered to help (re)define our core statements. In order to help us and you our clients, partners, friends, … better feel the revival of our aspiration as a business, Askia’s visual identity has undergone the same process over the past year. We examined, reexamined, broke, rebuilt and finally achieved in evolving our brand identity without ever losing…
Askiaface for Android in a material world By Paul Nevin Askiafield 29th September 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter Askiaface for Android has just been updated to version 3.3.0 and this major update brings some long awaited features! Our mobile face to face app for Android devices is now finally compliant with smartphones as well as tablets: The user interface has been completely redesigned based on Google’s Material design principles in order to provide a seamless experience with the modern Android environment: Of course, the application remains optimised for high density display tablets and integrates Askia’s new identity style guide: This update will allow your interviewers to access…
Askia party at New Orleans’ ESOMAR Congress By Paul Nevin Business 15th September 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter A quite substantial contingent from Askia will be attending the ESOMAR Congress on September 18-21 at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans, LA. For those of you who plan to attend, we’ll be at booth #6 in the exhibition space, where we hope you’ll swing by to see us. The other bit of significant news is that, true to tradition, we’ll be hosting a party immediately following ESOMAR’s Welcome Reception. Details are as follows: When? Sunday, September 18th from 8:30 PM until late. Where? Victory, an intimate cocktail…
Latest resources for our users By Paul Nevin Knowledge base 5th September 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter Even though we’ve been on holidays, some of our dedicated support staff have been working hard to provide you with some great resources for your upcoming surveys: help articles, new survey controls and more! Here’s an overview of all the new goodies you’ll be able to find on our help centre: Universe settings This short article covers all the basics on Universes, an often misunderstood feature of askiaanalyse. It’s indeed often ambiguously connected to another Filters / Sub-populations. The article in detail how Universes do not change the counts but change the percentages…
Enter the automation era! By Jérôme Sopoçko Askiafield 25th July 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter It’s not new, Market Research is doing badly. A few years back, to improve profitability, most major MR institutes have been sub-contracting Survey Programming and Data Processing to Eastern Europe or Asia. This has not been enough. The next step to increase productivity is automation. The successful launch of Zappi Store has made every one acutely aware of this. Zappi Store uses Millward Brown or Brainjuicer’s methodology to run very formatted studies, entirely automated at unbeatable costs. They have a survey with a few customisable parameters – say…
AskiaAnalyse: team me up, Scotty! By Jérôme Sopoçko Askiaanalysis 21st July 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter The software in the Askia range have been designed to work alongside each other. If you know how your survey tree looks in Design, you will not be surprised by how it looks in Analyse. That’s the whole point of an integrated suite. Analyse has mainly been designed to work with a single user, creating their weightings, calculated variables and filters in their QES file. When we realised that a lot of our users were working on continuous surveys, we introduced Surf files: the analysis definitions were stored…
Askiaface for iOS 3.2.0 By Paul Nevin Askiafield 27th June 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter Today, we released askiaface for iOS 3.2.0 on the App Store. This update includes the following new features: Kiosque mode for iPad Schedule daily survey data sync Kiosque mode This new feature allows you to setup an askiaface for iOS (for iPad only) questionnaire as a Kiosque survey. A Kiosque survey enables you to provide a self-interviewing environment with the following: Loop interviews: as soon as the current interview is completed, a new one is automatically generated and displayed on the tablet. Secured kiosque mode: users can only exit Kiosque mode…
Our latest survey controls By Paul Nevin Askiadesign 23rd June 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter In order to allow our users to further engage with their respondents, we have been relentlessly adding new survey controls to our software offering. These controls, also known as ADCs (Askia Design Controls) are freely accessible to all Askia users and allow extended customisation so they fit your needs. Below, a selection of our latest survey controls: Responsive Table The Responsive Table ADC allows you to embed grid (matrix) questions in your survey without having to worry about mobile and tablet respondents. The table will expand / collapse depending…