Get to know . . . Ramona Stratton By Richard Collins Social 7th March 2023 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter What I do . . . Most of my career I have done HR and employee relations, but these past few years my focus has been more on key account management and office administration. This has not been a career change, but I must admit that I am enjoying it very much! My proudest work achievement . . . To continue to have an amazing working relationship with my team and our US-based clients – it’s been almost eight years now. If I wasn’t working for Askia, I…
Get to know . . . Jordan Grindle By Richard Collins Social 2nd March 2023 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter What I do . . . Technical Support Specialist (AKA Professional Ticket Wrangler). My proudest work achievement . . . Single-handedly tackling a very challenging, multi-month consulting project. If I wasn’t working for Askia, I would be . . . Proselytizing the merits of Cthulhu (from the acclaimed H.P. Lovecraft short story ‘Call of Cthulhu’), making a passable politician. The best advice I ever received was . . . Use two thin coats to paint your Warhammer minis, instead of one thick coat. If I could time travel…
New AskiaFace updates for Android and iOS versions By Richard Collins Askiafield 6th February 2023 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter We are delighted to announce that the latest updates of AskiaFace for iOS and Android will be released imminently. These updates include the following improvements and fixes: For iOS version 3.4.2 (available only from iOS 14+): Core engine upgrade to version 5.5.3 Added support for the latest (v4) Askia Design Pages (ADPs) and Askia Design Controls (ADCs) Created a new user interface that includes a dark mode Various bugs fixes and refactoring: Interview.AgentName doesn’t retrieve any value in AskiaFace for iOS v3.4.1 (AS-41) Additional CSS field not interpreted…
The A to Z of Askia By Richard Collins Askiaanalysis, Askiadesign, Askiafield, Knowledge base 7th December 2022 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter At Askia, we provide professional and technical solutions to the market research industry and occasionally we use concepts and terms that are somewhat unique to our industry and / or to the Askia world. So, if you want to know the difference between an ADC and an ADP; or you want to know what an interactive variable does; or what a sub-population is (it’s a filter, by the way) – then head to the Askia Glossary. Try it out for yourself – The Askia Glossary We will be…
Open-ended questions – a guide By Richard Collins Askiadesign, Askiafield 15th November 2022 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter The Askia blog is called Open Ends and this name couldn’t be more pertinent for our latest blog article, which is all about the open-ended question. Here we summarise much of the knowledge that we have picked up from a couple of decades of providing survey software and working with insight professionals and their open-ended questions. When to use them; how to optimise them; and how to analyse the unstructured data that is collected. For many of our seasoned users this article will likely be seen as “teaching…
#ESOMAR75 in Toronto By Richard Collins Business, Customers, Social 2nd September 2022 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter A large crew from Askia will be attending the very special 75th ESOMAR Congress on September 18-21 at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, in Canada. For those of you who plan to attend, we’ll be at booth #9 in the exhibition space, where we hope you’ll swing by to see us. The other bit of significant news is that, true to tradition, we’ll be hosting a party immediately following ESOMAR’s Welcome Reception on the Sunday evening. All are welcome! Details are as follows: When? Sunday, September 18th from 9:00 PM until 12:00AM.…
Time to get emotional By Richard Collins Askiadesign, Askiafield 9th June 2022 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter Voice is the most intuitive, natural and efficient way to communicate. It’s also an emotional microscope. The award winning Phebi solution goes beyond what people say, illuminating how they felt when they said it. The combination of analysis of both emotion (based on ‘tonal analysis’ of the respondent’s vocal characteristics) and sentiment (based on the words used) helps researchers understand people more deeply and better predict their behaviour. In effect, Phebi allows researchers to add qualitative depth to their quantitative surveys. And here at Askia we are delighted…
Delineate and Askia By Richard Collins Askiaanalysis, Askiadesign, Askiafield, Business, Customers 17th January 2022 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter Askia client Delineate has announced the first of several upcoming technology integrations with its new platform, Delineate Proximity™. Released in October, Delineate Proximity™ is an end-to-end Research Technology (ResTech) platform that connects brands with their consumers in real-time. The platform has now been integrated with Askia to further enable automation of the end-to-end survey data collection and delivery process, enabling clients to receive daily brand and campaign tracking and self-serve surveys. Commenting on the integration, Delineate CTO James Stewart explained: “The core of Delineate Proximity™ is curated survey…
DIY Research, Made To Last By Richard Collins Product design 29th October 2021 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter The global pandemic has further accelerated the digitalization of market research, making its democratization a reality. Driven by new technologies and new consumer approaches, research strategies have fundamentally evolved. Today, market research in Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mode is more and more popular for strategic decision-making. This transformation is beneficial for all market players, beyond the obvious budget and time savings. Do-It-Yourself has become a leading research tool and for Askia this has been a great opportunity: our clients can build their platforms around our core technologies and utilize the…
Short Text Coding By Richard Collins Askiaanalysis, Askiafield 24th May 2021 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter Guest Blog: Tim Brandwood, Digital Taxonomy Thinking about all the brands of beer you know, what’s the first one that comes to mind? Heineken? Budweiser? Stella Artois? Doom Bar?! I’ll bet you didn’t think of “Double Diamond”, “Skol” or “Party Seven”. Over time, the popularity of any given brand can rise and fall, so it is useful to track brand awareness and brand saliency. In a survey, when you ask an unprompted brand awareness question like the one above, you will generate a list of free text verbatim…