What I do . . .
Technical Support Specialist (AKA Professional Ticket Wrangler).
My proudest work achievement . . .
Single-handedly tackling a very challenging, multi-month consulting project.
If I wasn’t working for Askia, I would be . . .
Proselytizing the merits of Cthulhu (from the acclaimed H.P. Lovecraft short story ‘Call of Cthulhu’), making a passable politician.
The best advice I ever received was . . .
Use two thin coats to paint your Warhammer minis, instead of one thick coat.
If I could time travel 10 years in the past or future, I would tell myself . . .
You need to find a guy called Matt Mercer. Kidnap him and steal his campaign notes. (IMPORTANT: Take voice acting lessons). Then, establish a podcast called Critical Role with you as the DM/Host and record your Dungeons & Dragons games for a bunch of closeted nerds who don’t play it themselves.
My most interesting fact/stat . . .
I played stand-up/double bass for a punk/rockabilly band from 2008-2010.
The soundtrack to my life is . . .
Dance Macabre by Ghost
The three things I would take to a desert island are . . .
Fresh water, diesel fuel and a boat.
My favorite book/movie . . .
Book: Eisenhorn – Dan Abnett
Movie: The Thing – John Carpenter
My superpower would be . . .
To be able to communicate telepathically with machines (thus cementing my iron-fisted grip on the IT industry).
My party trick . . .
I can summarize the entire timeline of Warhammer 40k from the Horus Heresy to the Indomitus Crusade in under 25 minutes. No you can’t leave, it’s my house and I bolted the doors!