Announcing a dashboard app partnership with E-Tabs

Announcing a dashboard app partnership with E-Tabs

We’re thrilled to announce a new strategic partnership which sees two industry leaders combining their vast skills, experience and resources to develop a revolutionary dashboard designer application for market research. The two companies have been empowering the Market Research industry for over 20 years with E-Tabs at the forefront of market research reporting and visualization, and Askia providing state-of-the-art software for surveys and analysis. “Askia and E-Tabs make a perfect match; our offerings complement each other”, says Jérôme Sopoçko, Askia founder. “Through this partnership we are effectively combining…

AskiaField 5.4 is ready for you

AskiaField 5.4 is ready for you header

We are thrilled to announce that Askia’s entire software suite is ready for deployment in version 5.4. Among the list of features of this major version, we want to highlight the very reason that made us switch to a new version track. Quota revamp 5.4 introduces a total revamp of the quota system. Among the main features are Quotas can now be set up on multi-coded questions and numeric questions. Minimum and maximum quota targets. Easy crossed-quotas. Quota definition, monitoring and quota breakdown by interviewing mode are now on…

Askia is back at Insight Show

Askia is back at Insight 2018

The Insight Show strikes back in 2017: new date – 8th & 9th March, new location – Olympia West, and a brand new event organisation. Askia couldn’t miss this opportunity to come back to this major event as an exhibitor once again. The timing couldn’t be better as we have a wealth of new developments to share with visitors. For starters, we’ll be showcasing our brand new stand layout, reflecting Askia’s new identity; we will also bring our uber-cool Engager for a refreshingly interactive experience on our seo…


AskiaVista header image

As the askiavista user base keeps growing, vista Administrators have asked if we could provide broader and more flexible usage statistics. Well, as we start this new year, we’re delivering a brand new Activity monitoring with vastly improved monitoring capabilities. Available by default to askiavista Administrators, it will enable them to monitor: surveys, users, groups, companies, servers, errors, as well as the different actions and types of analyses that their end-users are running on the platform. Furthermore, for those who are administering multi-server askiavista instances, the ability to…

New in Askiaface for iOS

New in askiaface for iOS

We’re pleased to announce that we have released a major update to askiaface for iOS on the App Store; version 3.3.0 is jam-packed with exciting new features and many dead bugs: Askiafield 5.4 quota management With askiafield 5.4, we have implemented four new Quota keywords which will dramatically simplify the setting of your surveys when you want balanced or least filled quota. AvailableQuota: returns the indexes of the responses of the TargetQuestion still available (to do > 0) and sorted from the max to do to the min to…

Of Askia Scripts and Functions

Of Askia Scripts and Functions

Introduction: What are Askia Scripts for? Or should I say what are their function? AskiaScripts were designed to evaluate conditions within a survey – at first to branch the survey and then to set values to (often dummy) questions. They needed to be easy to write (and re-read!) and the user should know at creation time if the script was going to succeed or not. The needs to improve AskiaScripts came as our clients’ surveys became incredibly complex – and that we used our language to produce our…

Quota: sticking to the script

Quota: sticking to the script

Nobody likes quota. They have the off-putting echo of a well-wishing community reluctantly leaving Apartheid behind. If researchers mention quota, it’s because you did not hit the targets. If a financial director mentions them, it’s to tell you how you went over and blew the budget. You do not like quota – and us, programmers, well, it was never our favourite part of the job. But with askiafield 5.4, we have put that behind us and made quota sexy. We have rebuilt the quota interface and the quota…

New from the vault

New from the vault header image

If like us, you’ve been busy spending your time working (building surveys, helping clients, upgrading software, reading logs, …), you may not have had a chance to keep up with the latest tips & tricks from our Help Centre. Feel free to have a flick through our latest picks: Design & Analyse FAQs Your first steps with Askia’s range of software are now even smoother! The askiadesign & askiaanalyse FAQs will help cover your needs when start building your first questionnaire or analysing your first survey results. Access the Design FAQ and/or…

Big Data with just one digit

Big data with one digit header image

I know some of you think I only attend conferences for the free food, the drinks and the social scene. They are right – no point in me denying. But in-between parties, I tend to heal my hang-overs in the semi-darkness of conferences. Coming back from the ASC and ESOMAR, there are a few new tendencies in the Autumn/Winter MRX fashion. Forgotten MROC, gamification, mobile research, Big Data – that’s so last year… it’s main stream, dude. These days the cool kids talk about Automation, Data fusion, Artificial Intelligence……

Askia is changing: new digital identity

Askia is changing: a new digital identity header image

As initiated a couple of months ago in our “Askia’s mission, vision & values” blog post in which we mention the elements we have been processing over the past year (Askia’s 20th birthday!): our team has gathered to help (re)define our core statements. In order to help us and you our clients, partners, friends, … better feel the revival of our aspiration as a business, Askia’s visual identity has undergone the same process over the past year. We examined, reexamined, broke, rebuilt and finally achieved in evolving our brand identity without ever losing…