MaxDiff grows! By Seyf Altindal Askiadesign 6th November 2017 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter This article provides an in-depth explanation of AskiaDesign‘s built-in capacity to manage MaxDiff data collection & analysis methodologies. For those of you who, like me, need a short reminder of what MaxDiff is; this is the definition provided by Wikipedia: The MaxDiff is a long-established academic mathematical theory with very specific assumptions about how people make choices: it assumes that respondents evaluate all possible pairs of items within the displayed set and choose the pair that reflects the maximum difference in preference or importance. It may be thought of as…
Of Askia Scripts and Functions By Jérôme Sopoçko Askiadesign 12th December 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter Introduction: What are Askia Scripts for? Or should I say what are their function? AskiaScripts were designed to evaluate conditions within a survey – at first to branch the survey and then to set values to (often dummy) questions. They needed to be easy to write (and re-read!) and the user should know at creation time if the script was going to succeed or not. The needs to improve AskiaScripts came as our clients’ surveys became incredibly complex – and that we used our language to produce our…
Our latest survey controls By Paul Nevin Askiadesign 23rd June 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter In order to allow our users to further engage with their respondents, we have been relentlessly adding new survey controls to our software offering. These controls, also known as ADCs (Askia Design Controls) are freely accessible to all Askia users and allow extended customisation so they fit your needs. Below, a selection of our latest survey controls: Responsive Table The Responsive Table ADC allows you to embed grid (matrix) questions in your survey without having to worry about mobile and tablet respondents. The table will expand / collapse depending…
Presenting ADXStudio By Jérôme Duparc Askiadesign 26th February 2016 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter ADXStudio is here!! What is it? ADXStudio is an IDE for people who want to create Askia Design Control (and later Askia Design Page) easier and faster. This application can support AskiaScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, … and more. ADXStudio was built with Electron, this application is based on NodeJS. Furthermore, we have included CodeMirror (already used in Design and Vista) to get a complete text editor with syntax highlighting and autocompletion. Installation To install ADXStudio, follow the procedure available here. ADXStudio is available on Github and everyone who wants to contribute can…
Is Askia compatible with Windows 10 ? By Stephen Bronnec Askiaanalysis, Askiadesign 15th November 2015 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter AskiaSuite Starting from version 5.3.5 of AskiaSuite (askiadesign & askiaanalyse), our beloved swiss-army knife software suite is compatible with Windows 10. AskiaSuite 5.3.3 is NOT yet compatible (as of November 2015) with Windows 10. Please check the comments below to see the latest update. Supervisor & CATI While askiafield 5.3.3 appears to be compatible, we recommend using the latest 5.3.5 versions, for the sake of matching your AskiaSuite version. Web-based applications Our browser-based applications, such as askiavista or askiaweb are not affected by client OS changes and thus remain compatible. Happy upgrade!
New version of askiadesign By Jérôme Duparc Askiadesign 7th September 2015 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter We’re excited to announce that a new version ( of askiadesign is available; as usual, this update contains some nice new features as well as some dead bugs! Update question properties globally or for a set of questions We have added a new “Set questions” menu when right-clicking a question in the treeview. You can choose to activate/deactivate four options: Allow Don’t Know Visible Ordered responses Visible in Analyse New “Change the response order” routing In the same way we use the “Change order” routing to randomize questions, we can now…
Askia Design Controls now available on Github By Paul Nevin Askiadesign 18th May 2015 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter We’re thrilled to announce that all our Askia Design Controls 2.0 (ADC) have been made available on Github for all developer users who wish to take part creating these survey controls. ADCs are web-based (HTML, JavaScript & CSS) rich survey controls that enhance the experience of your respondents. Available for web, tablet and mobile surveys, ADCs replace the default radio buttons, checkboxes, text inputs, … by more interactive, playful and animated survey controls. Below, some examples of Askia Design Controls: Drag and drop (click the above image to check out the live demo)…
Version askiadesign By Jérôme Duparc Askiadesign, Knowledge base 20th January 2015 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter This post is the first in a series of two that detail the key features of version of askiadesign & askiaanalyse. In askiadesign 5.2.2, we introduced new controls into our library, the ADC (Askia Design Controls). It gives you the possibility to select which controls you would like to use on your web screen and simply drag and drop the selected control onto the screen. Each one of these ADCs is shipped with many settings that will allow you to fine-tune and customise the rendering of the…
The Electric Kool-Aid Askia Test By Jérôme Sopoçko Askiadesign 13th January 2015 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter Abstract: Survey scripting and coding have lots in common and we should bring testing techniques into Survey Design. For this we have improved Random Data Generation and created a new Tools module called “Script Verification”. SurveyMonkey, Google consumer surveys and other disruptive DIY technologies have changed the Market Research industry. Any marketing director can put together an online survey, get sample from a number of panel providers and have results to their strategic questions in hours. But Askia software is not designed for marketing directors. It has been…
New Knowledge Base articles incoming! By Paul Nevin Askiaanalysis, Askiadesign, Askiafield, Knowledge base 17th October 2014 ShareFacebookLinkedInTwitter We have been regularly updating Askia’s Help centre with various KB articles that cover our software offering. Here are some of these latest articles: Askiadesign: about:blank error message Microsoft recently updated Internet Explorer. This update may cause the below error message to be displayed in askiadesign: See the full article to fix this issue. Askiafield: Data exports: Methods, Pros & Cons This in-depth article covers all you need to know about the different data export methods along with the pros & cons for each method. From Supervisor’s Export to QES…