Tag: automation

Welcome to the machine

Welcome to the machine header image

The following is a transcript of a talk given by yours truly and Chris Davison from KPMG Nunwood at ASC’s One Day Conference on the Challenges of Automation in Survey Research on May, 11th 2017. Introduction We have entered the golden era of automation –in other word: make machines do things. At first it was repetitive and simple things – find duplicates in a sample list, copy that survey and substitute the word Coca-Cola by Pepsi and send the results to all the executives of the relevant company…

Enter the automation era!

The Era Of Automation Has Started header image

It’s not new, Market Research is doing badly. A few years back, to improve profitability, most major MR institutes have been sub-contracting Survey Programming and Data Processing to Eastern Europe or Asia. This has not been enough. The next step to increase productivity is automation. The successful launch of Zappi Store has made every one acutely aware of this. Zappi Store uses Millward Brown or Brainjuicer’s methodology to run very formatted studies, entirely automated at unbeatable costs. They have a survey with a few customisable parameters – say…

AskiaAnalyse: team me up, Scotty!

Askia Analyse team me up Scotty header

The software in the Askia range have been designed to work alongside each other.  If you know how your survey tree looks in Design, you will not be surprised by how it looks in Analyse. That’s the whole point of an integrated suite. Analyse has mainly been designed to work with a single user, creating their weightings, calculated variables and filters in their QES file. When we realised that a lot of our users were working on continuous surveys, we introduced Surf files: the analysis definitions were stored…