Tag: kb

Fresh articles from our knowledge base

Fresh articles from our knowledge base

Our tech support team has been hard at work lately on providing you with many new articles designed to help you better benefit from our software suite: could it be survey design, fieldwork management or data analysis. Here are some of the most noteworthy articles from our help centre: Randomise or rotate a code list with groups & headers It’s often required to show a code list with several group headers and responses within these groups. In most cases it’s necessary to randomise the responses within the groups and…

New from the vault

New from the vault header image

If like us, you’ve been busy spending your time working (building surveys, helping clients, upgrading software, reading logs, …), you may not have had a chance to keep up with the latest tips & tricks from our Help Centre. Feel free to have a flick through our latest picks: Design & Analyse FAQs Your first steps with Askia’s range of software are now even smoother! The askiadesign & askiaanalyse FAQs will help cover your needs when start building your first questionnaire or analysing your first survey results. Access the Design FAQ and/or…

Latest resources for our users

Latest resources for our users

Even though we’ve been on holidays, some of our dedicated support staff have been working hard to provide you with some great resources for your upcoming surveys: help articles, new survey controls and more! Here’s an overview of all the new goodies you’ll be able to find on our help centre: Universe settings This short article covers all the basics on Universes, an often misunderstood feature of askiaanalyse. It’s indeed often ambiguously connected to another Filters / Sub-populations. The article in detail how Universes do not change the counts but change the percentages…

Knowledge base updates

Knowledge base updates header image

Below a quick introduction to the latest articles added to our Knowledge base by our tech support team. Significance Testing for Overlapping & Independent Samples This article gives more information on the situations in which overlapping samples can be sig tested in askiaanalyse. This KB article explains the correct tests to use when testing for significance in independent or overlapping samples. If you are sig testing columns and it’s the case that a respondent belongs to more than one column (e.g. in a multi-coded question or loop summary table) then the…

New Knowledge Base articles incoming!

Knowledge base articles incoming!

We have been regularly updating Askia’s Help centre with various KB articles that cover our software offering. Here are some of these latest articles: Askiadesign: about:blank error message Microsoft recently updated Internet Explorer. This update may cause the below error message to be displayed in askiadesign: See the full article to fix this issue. Askiafield: Data exports: Methods, Pros & Cons This in-depth article covers all you need to know about the different data export methods along with the pros & cons for each method. From Supervisor’s Export to QES…