The latest Askia User Survey was mailed out in April 2022. Once again, we received a lot of amazing feedback and we are humbled by your honesty, whether you were a new user, an expert, a satisfied customer or a user that had a few suggestions as to how we can improve (and of course there is always room for improvement). Your feedback has been reviewed constructively and will be used to help shape our products and services into the future.
If you took part in the survey, we’d like to say again how thankful we are for your time your thoughts. And if you didn’t take part, then no worries as you will have another opportunity next year. And of course, if you have more feedback & ideas for us, then please feel free to contact us directly, anytime😉
About our users . . .
Our users tend to have significant experience with using Askia, with nearly half having used our solution for more than 5 years (47%) and 3 in 5 using Askia every single day (61%), so we know how important Askia is for you in your day-to-day tasks. And it seems that the most important area where improvements can be made is in the work process that you do, rather than the task completion itself. We think that we have a number of initiatives in our software that could help you here:
- Nearly 2 in 5 of you want to save time (37.7%) and we think that using our libraries and by simplifying tasks with our automation capabilities could make a difference here.
- And roughly a third of users want to avoid unclear data structures (30.5%) and cut down on long and repetitive data verifications (35.7%). For this, in addition to the features we offer (such as testing, debugging, routing script modules, and random data generation), we have recently improved the verification script capabilities to check data. It could be well worth your time taking a look at what we have in this area and let us know if this helps improve your efficiency in checking data.
- In terms of archiving projects, nearly 3 in 5 users only do this after 18 months (57.8%). Did you know that we provide a few tools to facilitate archiving tasks quickly and safely? You can create a package in Supervisor that includes all the project data, lists, quotas, agent groups, etc. And if you want to retrieve any information within your package, just import it back into the Supervisor Task window.

Many of you report that you are multitasking in your daily job. Whatever your role in your company (you average 2.8 roles per person) and whether working as a survey scriptwriter (21.4%), data analyst (20.1%), researcher (18.8%) or technologist/developer (14.3%) – you all use quite a few of the Askia modules – on average 4.1 Askia products per user.
About our products . . .

On a scale of 1 to 5, your favourite Askia modules, with a score of 4.1, are jointly AskiaWeb, Field Online (part of Askia Rapide) and AskiaTools (our magical tool box).
But your heart belongs to the Support team
Higher rated than any of the Askia products is the Askia support service, with an average score of 4.4. We are very proud of this, as we know how important it is getting the help you need when you are working on your projects. We have a highly skilled and a growing team, with the likes of David Edelmann and Saif Manai joining the group since the last user survey.

Digging into to support satisfaction in more detail, you value the expertise of the support staff the most (4.5). Over 3 in 5 of you have contacted our support in the last 3 months. We have been working hard to improve the information available in the Support KB so that you can troubleshoot on your own and indeed 4 in 5 (81%) of you report that you try to find a solution on the KB yourselves before contacting one of the support team. And when you do contact support, rest assured that we will keep working on ways to improve the speed of our response.
We ran some NPS analysis (Net Promotor Score: a common methodology to measure customer loyalty) of the different aspects of our support service. As you can see, all the scores were positive, but you can be sure that we won’t be resting on our laurels. We will continue to work hard to satisfy you. For example, last year, based on the comments from the previous user survey, we changed our support.askia.com website in order to provide you with clearer articles, more examples and more demo videos. We will continue to do more of this into the future.

A selection of comments from the 2022 Askia User Survey that gave us a warm and fuzzy feeling:
- Italian MR Agency: “I really appreciate the promptness and kindness of the support team.”
- UK MR Agency: “Great support services and articles / help on the website for anything you get stuck with.”
- Swiss MR Agency: “Everything is fine. Enjoy to work with ASKIA software, very competent.”
- UK MR Agency: “Great expertise, problem solving”
- Global MR Agency: “Very responsive”
- Indian BPO: “I love working with Askia”
- Global MR Agency: “Always quick to respond and usually get to the answer quickly too.”
- UK MR Agency: “Very prompt service, understand research issues.”
- Canadian MR Agency: “They really do their best to solve my problems.”
- Irish MR Agency: “Always on hand to help. Go the extra mile for us”
- French MR Agency: “Speed of resolving issues is great”
A final word . . .
We hugely appreciate your time on this survey, providing your thoughts, opinions, and feelings. We hear what you say – you want to have a powerful platform that allows you to:
- design both simple or complex surveys
- with deep automation
- in a more simplified interface
- fully secure and scalable
- and with access and integration via an array of APIs
Happily, these are exactly the design principles of the Askia Rapide solution, the SaaS version of Askia, which will be available to all users very soon and will future-proof all your investment over the years in the Askia technologies.
Jérôme Sopocko, Askia founder, sums it all up in his inimitable way, “It’s you, the Askia Users, who keep us growing and improving day by day. You’re the reason we get up in the morning (together with software, our loved ones, and a few other things).”
Feature image by Grant Ritchie on Unsplash