Update: we have updated askiavista to version, read more about it!

Yup, askiavista is nearly a grown-up! But because it’s an Askia application, it’ll always be a bit childish πŸ˜‰ .

We are unleashing the latest update to askiavista, version; this latest release is packed with several nifty features and some squashed bugs:

Single Sign-On

We introduced SSO compatibility a couple of years ago but this useful feature has finally made it through to version 6! For this, we have introduced a new web service, AskiaVistaSSO, that is in charge of:

  • creating a unique & secure TrustKey
  • sending the TrustKey to AskiaVista Manager
  • authorises the user to connect or not to askiavista

Check the full details on this.

Replay multiple queries simultaneously

AskiaVista API’s Replay Plugin allows developers to replay a given query with few changes; it’s specially useful for cross-tab queries that produce tables or charts.

Let’s imagine you have a dropdown with the list of filters (sub-populations) from which the user can choose a given filter that will replay a table by applying it the selected filter.

The new version of the Replay plugin allows the developers/users to replay several tables or charts in one go.

So, when the user selects a filter it could be applied to multiple tables or charts at the same time.

In the background the Replay plugin uses a transaction to execute all queries in a single server-side call. The main benefit is to reduce the amount of bandwidth & queries between the client and the server.

Askia.config path now in the Registry

Up until now, the Askia.config file path was stored in IIS’  web.config file (a bit of an inception, eh?). Because any update could overwrite the web.config file, we often ended up with errors related to the configuration file not being found.

To improve this, askiavista searches the Askia.config path in the following order:

  1. In the directory of the current application
  2. If not found, it searches for the web.config as usually
  3. If not found, it search in the Registry

Read the feature request for more information.

Bug fixes

Finally, we have also fixed some outstanding issues in askiavista, check below for the most important ones:

  • Empty table when deactivating all calculations for tables (#6349)
  • Calculated responses not copied when copy/paste presentation (#6362)
  • Hidden responses displayed in xtab when moving variables around R/C/E (#6388)
  • Drag Drop filter is not applied to Excel export from a Portfolio (#6413)
  • Scaled-response questions are not treated as closed (#6421)
  • Cannot remove ‘Mean’ calculation caption from table and chart (#6455)
  • Total column and Edge inverted in the Property panel (#6476)
  • AskiaVistaManager can crash several times starting (#6483)

Oh, and did I mention that we have started to play with the amazing D3.js data visualisation library? It’s still just a playground but check this out! Thanks to Brice for his great work on that!

That’s all for now folks πŸ˜€