Monthly Archives: April 2015

Askia launches new qual / quant research software platform

Platform One - unified customer feedback header image

Serial market research entrepreneurs Jon Gumbrell and Mike Hall have partnered with survey software specialists Askia to launch a new unified customer feedback software platform called Platform One. Platform One has been built to manage every kind of customer feedback scenario: from large-scale quant panels, to small-scale qual communities, to complete Voice of the Customer programs. It comes with a suite of in-built quant / qual project tools, a customisable member portal for member engagement and web research, and a fully integrated app for mobile research. The company’s…

Askiavista updated to

Askiavista updated to header image

We’re excited to announce that a new version,, of askiavista is available; as usual, this update contains some nice new features as well as some dead bugs! New default expiry page We have updated the default expired page for Portfolio Links which have been set with the Expiry date option. This new page is fully responsive and can be customised to better correspond to your needs. This page is stored in at the root of the AskiaVistaReader.Net4 folder, so don’t hesitate to go crazy on your custom expiry pages! You…

Freshly infused knowledge base articles

In case you missed them, here is a recap of the latest batch of freshly pressed Knowledge base articles, directly extracted from Askia’s Help Centre. Highlight row and column header in question tables This one is a little treat for survey designers looking to sweeten the look and feel of their question tables.This comes along with a nice buy 1 million youtube views guide for you bussines. Thanks to a couple of css classes and a jQuery script, row and column headers will change colour when their associated cells are hovered.…