We have finally released version of askiavista! First, of all, don’t judge a book by looking at the cover: this is more a 6.1 version than a minor version. Indeed, it packs:

  • 22 new features
  • 22 bug fixes
  • 7 miscellaneous tasks

Below, some of the key new features:

Portfolio section pages

Askiavista section pages
Section pages allow you to add text, image, … content to your askiavista portfolios.

Users can now create Section pages within their Portfolios; these pages allow to add formatted text and media (image & video).
Such pages are a great solution for report introductions, notes, metadata, …

New portfolio link management

Askiavista new portfolio by link management
Askiavista now provides a brand new portfolio link management console

Portfolio links have been completely overhauled in order to allow many nifty features such as Expiry dates, Filter management, dynamic tabbing, custom URLs, default page, …
Portfolio links can also be duplicated in order to batch create multiple links.

Reorder portfolio items

Reorder portfolio items

This was a recurrent client request: having the possibility to reorder elements (table definitions & now section pages) from within a portfolio.

Raw data / open-ended management

Askiavista raw data and open-ended management

Askiavista is now able to render data at interview level and can also render open-ended data! These flat tables are accessible in a dedicated view and can of course be embedded within a Portfolio.

Fixed headers

Fixed headers for large tables

In order to improve our user experience when browsing large cross-tabs, we have added fixed headers (for Rows, Columns & Edges) to the Default table style.

Select all / unselect all in Dimensions

Select all - unselect all in dimensions

This client request allows users to select all questions or response items in a given Dimension (R/C/E). This is especially useful when dealing with many questions or for very long lists of response items to which you may want to apply a given action (group, hide, …).

View source

View source

This option (hidden by default), allows advanced users and API developers to embed table & chart data directly in their web page; could it be an askiavista-driven dashboard, portal or web page.

Compressed inverted data

We have decided to improve the inverted format:

  • We decided to rename the old files and not use the number of responses as an extension – this was causing unnecessary problems when a question was recalculated or if the max number of responses was manually changed in Design. The extension is always .dat.
  • The developed questions in a loop are no longer stored individually – the greyed questions always contained the information so we thought the cost of reading the whole greyed data for that question was a small price to pay compared to store all the data twice
  • We store system data -or peri-data – such as start time, end-time, IP-address, completion, …
  • The data is now compressed
  • We have backwards compatibility: inverted data produced with a version prior to 5.3.4 is read properly but the new inverted files are not readable by Vista (yet) or an old Analyse / Tools

We have seen up to 90% decrease of the inverted database size and almost no noticeable deterioration of the reading speed

For the full list of new features & bug fixes, check the changelog.