The new AskiaVista AJAX API (2.2.0) is now released with the latest 6.0.3.x version of AskiaVista.
The documentation is now up-to-date
List of new features/fixes:
- Add `footnote` parameter in cross-tab query (settings.results.footnote)
- Add `language` parameter in queries to specify the survey language. It could also be add on the config, or specify via url
- Add a new `languageUrlParam` in the configuration to read the survey language via the URL
- Add methods:
- getPortfolioLinks
- getPortfolioLink
- savePortfolioLink
- deletePortfolioLink
- getPortfolioLinkLayouts
- getPortfolioLinkThemes
- savePortfolioLinkTheme
- deletePortfolioLinkTheme
- getResources
- saveResource
- deleteResource
- htmlEncode
- Take in account the new calculations and their advanced options
- Add the `baseUrl` key in the config. Strongly recommended to use it instead of `url`
- Manage the new `rawdata` and `sectionpage` portfolio item type
- Add a dedicated exception severity flag when the authenticity token in cookie is bad or obsolete, it then ask again the login form
- Manage severity on server-side error to throw the `securityError` when it’s needed
- Error messages are now htmlEncoded in the client side.
- Security error don’t block the query stack, it now fire the security error and the regular error event